Things that go blog in the night

Things that go blog in the night.

First off-




Passive Aggressive.

Don’t be passive aggressive.

Don’t say no big deal and then the next day take it as it was a giant deal. That is not a very good trait to have.



I don’t even remember what tangent I was on seeing I stopped mid-post to play hockey and read the end of a book I should have had read a long time ago. Great book by the way. Read SIRENS OF TITANS BY KURT VONNEGUT.

My goodness it’s snowed a lot since I looked out the window. I can see it now, children half asleep-half awake hoping for snow days. I love snow days too. I do not love staying up all night hoping for a snow day only for the snow day to NEVER COME! AHHHHH. I have Christmas music stuck in my head because of Rite Aid. They play some absolutely terribly wretched music on that radio. And yet, they randomly played Death Cab for Cutie!? Makes no sense to me.

War is over, if you want it.

I need to try to sleep.


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4 Responses to Things that go blog in the night

  1. HVL says:

    Death Cab for Cutie always makes me think of Magical Mystery Tour.

    Cha Cha Cha!

    I have NHL06, but I can't score any goals.

  2. Justin' says:

    I know.

    Death Cab for cutie…

  3. Dan says:

    I love that book, Kurt Vonnegut is AMAZING.

  4. Justin' says:

    Kurt Vonnegut is amazing! I love his stuff, I have read most of his books…

    What is your last name Dan?

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