Apple Admits New Iphone Sexist

When owners of the new Iphone: cleverly named something like ‘Iphone 4’, use ‘Siri,’ a voice activated personal assistant type thing that can help you do things like: stalk that hot dude that you don’t have the guts to talk to or find a gas station, they will hear: a kind, sexy, stay at home, stay in the kitchen, huge high heelin’, taking out the trash, dish doing, not knowing how to fix anything or work a remote, clean up my dang mess type, woman’s voice. That was a reasonably long sentence, wasn’t it?

People have told me (I don’t have an Iphone, nor will I spend the ridiculous amount of money on the phone to only drop it over and over almost breaking it, but not quite, just enough to have more than 78% of the features become useless and then three months later have the Iphone 5 come out.) that Siri responds to owners inquriers in a kind of human, sort of robot android type voice that’s low, efficient and totally a chick. (Well, at least in the United States and four other countries. In France and the UK, Siri is a dude.)

Supposedly this roboty woman’s voice has been hit on been more than one Iphone user, asking questions like, “Hey baby, got any plans for the night?”

In which Siri responds with typical girl gusto, “I am seeing someone.”

Some author or whatever, had a whole big dumb reason explaining Apple’s decision to try setting females back 40 years. “It’s much easier to find a female voice that everyone likes than a male voice that everyone likes,” said Clifford Nass, author of “The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships.” “It’s a well-established phenomenon that the human brain is developed to like female voices.”

That has to be the worst title of a book I’ve ever seen.

“Cultural stereotypes run deep,” said Nass, who details the BMW episode in his book.

At press release, women everywhere were trying to figure out whether they should feel proud or ashmed of Siri.

–James Dust–

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