Conservatives and Liberals Both In For Annoyingly Long Ride

Las Vegas, NV– The CNN/Western Republican Presidential Debate in Las Vegas is only the tip of a giant iceberg of the ridiculously stupid and annoying Presidential campaign for the Republicans.

For whatever reason, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney decided it would be a great idea to start a pathetic political fight. And I do mean it was pathetic, check it out, Romney said this, “Rick, again, Rick, again, I’m speaking… This has been a tough couple of debates for Rick, and I understand that. And so you’re going to get testy.” Seriously, dude? You want to be president? Grow up and grow a pair. If you are going to get into some peeing match with another possible choice for president (and I use those terms loosely) please, for the love of God, say something worth quoting. Holy crap, a third grader could come up with something more damaging than that.

Worst of all, some dude actually bought this load of garbage as a real story.

“Oh, they don’t get along,” said John Avlon, a CNN contributor. “They don’t like each other.”

He had more to say and it was all pointless and I feel way dumber for repeating it, but here goes, “I mean, it (the fake stupid fight) was amazing,” he said. “You look at Rick Perry’s eyes. I mean, this could have gotten physical if they were in high school.” Avlon continued to eat this crap with the biggest spoon in the history of mankind saying that the two ‘presidential hopefuls’ have “personal animosity.”

Seriously, friends? This is going to be a terrible thing to watch for the next year. It’s going to be out and out painful. The GOP members that make the most sense aren’t even considered to be front runners. Oh, my, God, God bless America. *Ties noose.*

–James Dust–

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