Plants, Sunlight, Flowers, Sunshine, Water, Relationships, Love and the Wish For More

Relationships are like a helpless flower you saw at the greenhouse and had to have it, just a flower right? You can look at it for a while and say, “That’s a nice flower, I am glad I picked it.”

Or, put it by the window and say, “God that flower looks great right there, and do you feel how smooth the petals are?”

And that’s fine and great, parts of plants or relationships can be looked at, admired and seen what is great about them, but, you need to water these plants, OR put some real work into relationships you care about, you can just say, I’m ok, you’re ok to a plant. They don’t get why they are bone dry.

It’s weird, but it’s what happens to humans too. Communication is sort of like the water. The flower is the relationship.

At first you just stare at it thinking, this is a really good thing. Then you start to understand that the person has some things that bother his/her from the past and needs to talk to you about them for there to be true trust in the relationship.’

Hollywood is not real life or I would be able to do a lot of cool things that I can’t do.

Once you realize the person’s (plant’s) shortcomings or parts of their lives that make them anxious, nervous or any other word to define uncomfortable. You have to be there and help them through it, not look at them like “Oh, I wonder what is going to happen here?”

Love is a verb
Love is a noun
Love is abstract
Love is sacrifice
Love is fragile
To be loved is what every single person wants to feel
Love is love

And Love is all you need according to a pal of mine John Lennon

Coyote Rush

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