The Mistaken Identity of the Frog Blog


My name is Frog Frogerstien. I was born a few hours ago when a certain Justin A. Marshall mentioned how similar a frog and a blog are.

He was right. I get it all the time these days.

I hop around doing things, you know, that frogs do and then all of a sudden I hop into someone that has a mini-laptop and he is typing away and typing away.

I ask, “What are you up to?”
He says, “Writing a blog, you should know all about it!”

That upsets me to no end. How am I supposed to make a name for myself or find a job when anytime I try to talk to a prospect they think I am talking about a blog!

I mean come on, I’m green, I’m slimy, I like the water, I produce tadpoles and those are my good qualities!

Blogs just consist of people writing whatever goobley gook comes to their mind! They could write about FISH if they wanted to.

I have mouths to feed and that doesn’t even count the tadpoles in three separate ponds. Ohmylanta!

Ribit. Ribit.


Getting a job isn’t easy to begin with, but when I get possible employers calling me thinking I am some sort of blogger it just takes all the wind out of frog tail. Wait, I don’t have a tail, excuse my trying to rhyme that was silly. Silly, that rhymes with lilly, oh lilly pads.

Happy Days… Starring Fonzi.

Anyway, stop confusing me with blogs.


Frog Frogerstien

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One Response to The Mistaken Identity of the Frog Blog

  1. felicialeann10 says:

    What a very creative story! One question, what does Fonzi from happy days have to do with Frog Frogerstein?

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