Politikos Insidiae And Other Things People Pretend To Care About (Part IV)

Julia’s clinic- “The Julia Ann Mailfraud Clinic To Get Your Brain Fixed and Possibly Assist In Your Battle With The Cold or Flu Too!” The building was a sprawling monstrosity of a structure. Julia’s clinic creates the illusion of the building sucking in gigantic pulls of air and exhaling it back into the atmosphere like an over sized infant disagreeing with the baby food’s flavor. Honestly, the building swells and contract in a rhythmic fashion full of life and activity. A fact that shouldn’t be overlooked is that the architect whom designed the clinic created it to resemble a humanoid robot type being. It spanned one acre in length and two acres in width. The clinic towered over the horizon with a omniscient smirk on its humanoid robot face, 13 stories above the ground.

The architect that conceived the building was known on Earth as Rutherford B. Surya. Rutherford B. Surya has hair, feet, teeth, toenails, and arms of gold. Supposedly he is said to drive through the city in his fanciful chariot by seven horses or one horse with seven heads. He’s sort of a weird dude.

Let’s just say that if the building came alive and became an angry humanoid robot beast: the speck of dust floating in the vast nothingness of space that we call Earth and all of its inhabitants that think they are: way too smart, way too stupid, gorgeous, ugly, fat, too skinny, too big of a nose, too small of a nose, hate their smiles, don’t have intercourse enough, have intercourse too often, get AIDS, can’t seem to pop out enough babies for their liking, popping out so many babies that their parents can’t find enough food in the world to feed them, take too many chemicals, don’t take enough chemicals, cry too much, don’t cry enough, hug too much, don’t hug enough, talk too much, become self-made mutes, some that like to take a sharp object and cut a person in the neck to that paper out of their wallets, ones that like to take a sharp object and cut a person in their belly, look into their guts and play with them for a few hours in an attempt to comprehend “How the hell do we actually work?”

Anyway, back to the point: After years and years of Jimmy feeling pretty stupid, gloomy and all in all poopy about himself, he called Julia’s clinic- if you could even call it a clinic. I mean frankly dude, the thing is freaking huge. Honestly, the clinic is larger than most towns in Georgia The Julia Ann Mailfraud Clinic To Get Your Brian Fixed and Possibly Assist Your Battle With The Cold or Flu Too! has the second highest population in the whole state of Georgia when all employees and patients are in the building.

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