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Stupor- Walking around half in the world half in mars. (Marshall definition)

So close to super, yet so far away. When people decide that to drink themselves into submission or a stupor, it feels great. Yup, I said it. It feels great until the next day when you have to pick up the garbage.

Garbage men make good money, btw.

1. Drinking. Gosh is that easy. I mean to do. Not to quit, that’s plainly obviously currently impossible because you run through the gamete of possibilities. Can I drink water? Can I STILL HAVE A CHERRY COKE?!?!! Shaving in the dark to save money for a 40.
2. Such a crazy old man.
3. His daughter first, but raised so hard that it’s an impossible scene.
4. Sun step up.
5. The sun falls.
6. The mother intervenes, it’s too later.
7. Another daughter, too soon. Can’t handle this while we’re trying to have fun.
8. You could say she was attractively built, but I think that’s a Beatles line.
9. If you have ever got this far, and haven’t turned around you’re doing great.
10. Come out now.
11. Protect yourself with a silver spoon
12. Look up. Look down. Stand Up. Sit Down. Stretch, watch back. She said had always been working.
13. So, I thought I knew the answer. All I knew eventually was to want to shut up instead of digging my own soul.
14. Didn’t anybody tell him? Didn’t anyone notice?
15. Yes.

To drink is to be human. To drink again is also human. We need it, but the more we surround ourselves with toxicity the more unclean the brain and the body become.

Don’t look for a stupor, look for someone super.

Justin Marshall

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